Occasionally, you may see an exclusive line of Parmigiano Reggiano, 24 Month with a “Vacche Rosse” label. Vacche Rosse is Italian for Red Cow and signifies that all milk used comes from the ancient heritage breed, The Reggiana.
The Reggiana breed dates to 4th Century Northern Italy and was the original cow breed milked in 1200 A.D. by Benedictine Monks.
Red cow milk is richer in protein and fat and higher in fatty acids than any typical cow’s milk. So, in the 1980s, when the breed almost went extinct, the Ministry of Agriculture created the Associazione Allevatori Razza Reggiana to bring back the breed known as the “Mothers” of Parmigiano-Reggiano. The Consortium, Consorzio Vacche Rosse, ensures strict standards are now met and these cows are fed a special diet of GMO-free grains and fresh grass combined with hay. The result is a beautifully complex cheese, with a delicate sweetness balanced by salinity and depth.
IL Villaggio Vacche Rosse Parmigiano Reggiano is aged for 24 Months to bring out the robust, nutty flavors of this cheese that is rich in heritage as well as flavor.